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Q3 2022 Newsletter

In August, Kenya went to the polls to elect its fifth President marking end of the political season. After the votes were counted, including those at the Supreme Court, our fifth President was sworn in. The largely seamless polls were a key milestone in the Kenyan quest for democracy and leadership by the people for...

Avoiding the pitfalls of updating Pension Scheme documents

A recent decision from the Retirement Benefits Appeals Tribunal highlights the pitfalls of updating scheme documents. Updates while necessary to reflect current law, policy, and best practices can lead to undesirable consequences. Former employees of Standard Chartered Bank Kenya successfully challenged reduced pension benefits and had the bank ordered to repay a KES 1 billion...

Changes To Capital Market Regulations

The Cabinet Secretary Finance recently gazetted the Capital Markets (Whistleblower Regulations) 2022 to give effect to the amendments to the Capital Markets Act (the Act) in 2018 by setting up a framework for the payment of rewards to whistleblowers. The  amendments to the Capital Markets (Conduct of Business) (Market Intermediaries) Regulations 2011, will enhance access...

The Physical Planning Regulations

Introduction On November 26, 2021 the Cabinet Secretary for Lands and Physical Planning gazetted various regulations (the “Regulations”) under the Physical and Land Use Planning Act, 2019 (the “Act”) and they include: The Physical and Land Use Planning (Development Permission and Control) (General) Regulations, 2021; Physical and Land Use Planning (Development Control Enforcement) Regulations, 2021;...

Replacement Titles Following Land Title Conversion

Introduction The Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning published a list of titles within Nairobi County whose land reference numbers have been converted to new parcel numbers. Landowners of the listed titles can now apply for new titles on the Ardhi Sasa portal: How can we help? Landowners This includes landowners of vacant land...

Recent Changes to Regulations Governing Retirement Benefits Schemes Apr 2022

Introduction On April 04, 2022, the Cabinet Secretary for the National Treasury and Planning introduced changes to the Regulations governing pensions. The changes that are highlighted below were introduced through Legal Notices Numbers 71, 73 and 74 of 2022 and affect Individual Pension Plan Schemes (IPPS), Occupational Retirement Benefits Schemes (ORBS), and Umbrella Retirement Benefits...

Thought Leadership: A case for Restructuring Insolvent Firms

On August 02, 2022, an article written by Emmanuel Mueke, Partner was published on the Business Daily  making a case for restructuring insolvent entities. The article demonstrated how giving a second chance to insolvent businesses can be a win-win for all stakeholders of a business; from suppliers and creditors to employees and shareholders. To find...

KN Law participates in SLS Legal Aid Week

On the 25th to 27th of July 2022, KN Law, represented by Mugambi Murithi, Patricia Wanjama and Charles Kivuva, partnered with the Strathmore Law School’s Law Clinic in offering free legal services to the public during their Legal Aid week. This is part of Strathmore Law School’s 10th year anniversary celebrations. Not only did the KN Law team...

Q2 2022 Newsletter

2022, the Year of the Tiger, is settling into an interesting rhythm. In the Chinese Zodiac, tigers are associated with ambition, justice, courage, and assertiveness. The year has definitely asserted its will on our lives, what with the direction the global economy is taking and new waves of Covid-19 forcing reintroduction of public health measures....
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